Saturday, August 18, 2012

I love good days

Today was one of those days where everything went really smoothly. It's not that I hardly ever have days like that, but usually I am really stressed, so I haven't had one for a while. I was so thankful that everything worked out and that I can actually say it was stress free. 

I did the dishes last night while my parents were sleeping just to be nice. My mom came in this morning and hugged me like crazy and told me she was so thankful I cleaned and that it really meant a lot to her. So that made me feel super awesome, I won't lie. 

I went to work, which I loved today. I take care of a 90 year old lady named Leila. She was making me laugh all day today. Oh boy. Sometimes the simplest things bring a smile to my face, and remind me to just slow down and take everything in. 

I got off work early, then I came home, changed, and hopped over to my guitar, whipped it out and started playing. Right now, I am learning "Everytime" by Britney Spears. It is such a pretty song, and I am really excited to learn it. The chords are super easy, all I need is a bit of practice and I'm set!

Of course the smallest things make my day, like realizing I didn't run out of my low carb ice cream bars. So I got to have my ice cream. I don't even feel bad about it. And you know what? There is more left. So I'm set for the next few days even (;

Mitchell called me, and even though he is a punk 90% of the time, (he'll argue that it's only 50%, but lets all be honest with ourselves here...) he was actually just so sweet to me. I couldn't even believe it. But it made me so happy that he was being such a sweetheart. He even texted me goodnight, which is rare, especially when he goes long boarding. So Mitchell got an A+ today in my book. 

More good news... it's only 3 in the morning. Which means I get to go to bed 4 hours earlier than yesterday. 

See. This day has just been splendid. No complaints. Just one very blessed girl.

Here's a thought of the day for you guys.

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