Monday, May 13, 2013

Disneyworld - Day 14

In order to keep track of the days that I was in Disneyworld, I started to number them. I'll talk about more than just my life here at Disneyworld, but it will help me remember later what days of my blog I was in the happiest place on earth! 

Tomorrow is such a big day because my best friend in the entire world leaves to Philadelphia! I am so excited for her to finally be there. I know that she has been so excited, and I can't wait to hear about all the amazing experiences she will have there. I miss her all the time, but I am so happy that she is happy. 

One thing I have realized when it comes to change is that attitude is everything. Though coming here to work seems like a dream come true, it wasn't for me at first. I am pretty sure I called my mom the night I got here begging her to let me come home. I am so glad that she told me to wait it out a couple more weeks before I made that decision. I realized that my experience here completely depends on my attitude, and what I decide to make out of this experience. I will either love it or hate it, and I know that that depends completely on my attitude. Ever since I realized that, I love it here, and I am so happy I decided to do this.

The coolest part about living here is that there is so much to do and explore. How cool is it that I live at Disneyworld?!?!

On that note, I am off to go try and get pictures with some of the characters!

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