Me and Chance

The boys (: presh.
Kaden. Kyson. Chance. Mitch. Tyler. Mike. Cole. Kj.

The Girls.
Ashley. Dominekke. Lexi. Chelsie. Me. Dana. Victoria. Kadee.

Me and Chance

The whole group.
"Kamryn. It will be fine. Just ask him. He won't think you are weird. It would be so fun. Just do it."
"Ah. I want to Kadee! But. . . Fine. I'll do it. Let's just get this over with before I change my mind!"
That day was such a crazy one. I had decided that I was going to ask a senior to Preference. I was trying to debate on whether that was a good choice or not. But, it ended up being so worth it. Preference was one of the best and most memorable days of my life.
We ran to Wal-mart and got huge puzzle pieces and wrote one letter of the word preference on each puzzle piece. Then we wrote "Feel like solving a puzzle?" on a poster board. On the back of the pieces we wrote my name. And before I knew it, I had asked Chance Jones to preference. Definitely couldn't go back now!
Days went by with no answer back. Then, Kadee got a text from Chance saying "Hey. Who asked me to preference?" Turns out he couldn't put my name together on the back. Oh how awesome. He didn't even know that I had asked him. I have never felt more stupid in my life. But, being the amazing friend she is, Kadee took the situation under her wing and worked it all out.
After he found out I had asked him, he would always talk about how he was going to get me back since he couldn't figure out the way I asked him. Little did i know how serious he was.
One day when I was out of town, Chance ( with Kadee's supervision ) decorated my room with a million sticky notes with numbers on them. He put a sign on my door that said "Do you like solving puzzles? Good, because here is a puzzle for you. Come to the Pine View baseball game on Thursday at Dixie State College wearing one of e your high heel shoes and one of your tennis shoes to receive further enlightenment to help you solve this numeric code."
He had taken every single pair of shoes I own except for one high heel and one tennis shoe. So I pretty much had no choice.
On Thursday, I show up to the baseball game in the promised footwear. I waited for Chance to be done playing so that I could meet up with him and figure out the whole number thing. When I finally met up with him after the game and of course he told me that the answer was in my room, in my garbage can. When I went home, I found the answer and to my happiness, the answer was yes.
I had been counting down the days until I got the chance to hang out with my amazing group and with Chance. We had such a good group.
Lexi and Cole.
Kadee and Mitch.
Dana and Kj.
Dominekke and Kaden.
Ashley and Tyler.
Victoria and Mike.
Chelsie and Kyson.
Me and Chance.
The day finally came. We started the day date out by making breakfast for all the boys since Chance, Tyler, and Cole all had to go to their baseball game. After that we all made shirts that we were going to wear cosmic bowling that night after the dance. Next we hit the baseball game to support our boys. They lost, but we were so happy to be able to be with them after the game. They still had a fun day ahead of them! Soon after the game, we all went to the park and got tons and tons of pizza and drinks. After an hour or so we all went to Jumping Jacks, a place with bounce houses and bouncy slides. Pretty much a place that screams fun. We all separated after that to go get ready for the dance. Chance came by and my family took pictures of us. Now we were on our way to Lexi's so she could show us the way to where we were getting our group and couple pictures done. Finally we got everyone together to take pictures. But, we had to rush because the baseball boys had one more game. After pictures the baseball boys left and the rest of us went to Red Robin for dinner. We all talked and had such a blast at dinner. Then we were off to the dance!!! Finally. We got to the dance, with the boys still gone. We all danced together though. Chance got there in just enough time to dance with me for one song. Only Hope. The song that was the theme song for that night. We all ditched the rest of the dance, put our crazy clothes on and then went bowling in black light. Then I took Chance back to get his car. We talked for a while. After that I knew that was the best night ever. We drove to Victorias to go hang out with our group around the fire pit. We roasted marshmallows, talked, shared stories, and shared laughs. That night I had grown so much closer to my friends. It was an amazing night. A night I will never forget.
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