In front of statues at Ceasars Palace.
Me. Sammi. Kadee.
Drunken Kadee.
Kadee. Jack Sparrow.
Sammi about to kill Jack.
Sammi. Jack Sparrow.
Jack taking Kadee's satchel from me.
Me. Jack Sparrow.
Us in front of Planet Hollywood!
Sammi. Me. Kadee.
"Let's go to Vegas."
Doesn't seem like that can be a spur of the moment decision.
But, for me and Kadee and Sammi, it totally was.
Crazy awesome dance moves. check.
We were set. Vegas here we come!
While cruising through the gorge we passed a car with two cute (so we thought) boys. They waved to us and then sped up. Great. The highlight of our trip and we weren't ever going to see them again.
Oh. But we did. Ten minutes later, we come neck and neck with a familiar vehicle. In their window, they held up a sign saying: " TEXT ME!" along with one of their phone numbers.
Sammi didn't hesitate to hurry and save that number in her phone.
She talked to them and then came to realize that we were all stopping in the same place for gas.
A little while into the trip we hit mesquite to fill up the tank. We run into them. What a let down. They were definitely not as cute as they were from far away. That turned into a hilarious joke for the rest of the night.
Finally we were back on our way to the great city of Vegas.
We arrived and spent about seven hours to try and park. What a nightmare. Finally, we decided to valet. Such a good idea. It saved us so much trouble and confusion.
We hit the strip and took many pictures. Luckily, we ran into Jack Sparrow. We got pictures and had a nice conversation.
We drank our non-alcoholic smoothies in the really cool cups.
We ran into some crazy people. One guy even made up a song about us and sang it to us. It went a little like this: "Wearin Ed Hardy, ready to party" and something about being naughty. haha.
1. When a crowd of cute boys are laughing, never laugh with them. They will stop laughing and stare at you. And that, my friends, is embarrassing.
2. Always valet park. It saves you from losing your car.
3. If you run into Jack Sparrow, take a picture with him. It's worth the one dollar.
4. If those creepy men hand you those yucky cards, use it as a fan. It's hot in Vegas.
5. Don't be afraid to ask someone to take your picture in front of something. Otherwise you will be standing there for a while.
What a great time we had.
If you get the chance to go to vegas, go.