Thursday, September 19, 2013


No one really tells you how lonely the waiting period is between getting your call, and actually leaving on your mission. It amazes me how you can be at such a high point, and such a low point at the same time. In saying that, I know that the adversary is working extra hard, and for some reason Satan likes to make me feel like a lot less than I am, especially because I have now become boy repellent. 

It's interesting, because when you have your call and you are preparing to leave, it's as if you are dying. Everyone sort of treats you as though your time here is so short, and that they will never see you again. It makes me laugh, because Kadee used to always say "I don't know why people treat me like I am dying!" I never understood what she meant till now! But one thing I do want to say, is that for anyone who does decide to go, this "limbo" is really hard, but you will make it through. Especially when you rely on the comfort of Heavenly Father, because He totally understands. He really does. 

I may not know it all, but I do know that I'm not dying, and once I do my work for the Lord, I'll be back, and happier than ever. Because I know that by giving myself to the Lord, I am able to gain true and lasting happiness.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Know Where I'm Going!!!

Waiting is one of the hardest things in the world. We as human beings (at least most of us, I would assume!) have a hard time waiting. Okay, so maybe it's just me. 

I had decided in Florida that I wanted to serve a mission. I had thought about it a lot before, but the timing just wasn't right. Living in Florida and meeting people from all over the world just showed me that it was something I wanted, and had the potential to be really great at. I had the chance to make amazing friends, some members, and some non-members. It gave me the opportunity to teach them about mormons, especially because most of them had either never heard of a mormon, or just heard all untrue things. I was an example, and because of that, they wanted to know more and more everyday. 

I came home from Florida and had my meeting set up to met with the bishop the very next day. At first, I realized that I wouldn't be able to see my best friend, Kadee for more than two years if I decided to go, but she insisted that I serve, so it was decided! After all of my appointments, I was finally ready to wait. Which is all it felt like I did for about two weeks. Wait. Wait. Wait. 

THEN. Finally, on Saturday, September 7, 2013, I was called to serve in the ViƱa del Mar, Chile mission. I was overwhelmed with joy, knowing that this was the very place that the Lord needed me, and I couldn't even believe it. 

One thing I do know is that the Lord knows each and every one of us, and is more than willing to bless us. He does every single day, even when we don't realize it. I am blessed to be able to serve the people of Chile, and I hope I can bring hope and joy to their lives, just like this gospel does to mine.