Me and Ashley performing our maybelline commercial (:
Tree hugger.
They made us go get the broom from the furthest bathroom. So, we did. They made us go take them back. But, we made the best of it! haha.
Kadee, Ashley, and I making our hemp bracelets!
Megan, Ashley, Kadee, and I with one of our cute devotional handouts.
Me, Megan, and Ash.
Presh (:
Ashley showing how she really feels about our friendship!
I was shocked.
awe (: me and kadee baby.
Me and ash.
Me catching Kadee by surprise! (: haha.
Our faces are priceless.
Us Girls.
Kadee's face makes this picture.
Crazy girls (:
A look inside our "concentration camps".
A couple weeks before the summer ended, I had the amazing opportunity to go to girls camp. It was my fifth year. I got to go up to cedar mountain a day early with all the fifth year girls in my stake. We spent four long days up there. We slept in bunk houses that looked like concentration camps, but they were so much more comfortable then sleeping in tents, especially because it rained every single day we were there.
We spent the first day getting all the camp grounds clean and set up for the wards that were to come the following day.
Day two we welcomed the wards there with squirt guns and bubbles!!! It was a blast.
During the rest of the days we had testimony meeting, we had the wards do skits, everyday we all sang camp songs, President Bangerter came and spoke to us, we made fried candy bars and fried marshmallows, and we had many activities that we got to do that kept us busy.
One really cool thing we did there was pull apart the testimonies of the girls and leaders that had wrote them and put them in the time capsule in the year 2000. They had gotten wet, and we pulled them apart to let them dry. The cool thing is that we knew some of the girls that had left their testimonies in there. It was a neat experience.
I also got the chance to gain a stronger testimony of the power of the priesthood.
The first night there, I had gotten really sick. Kadee and Ashley made the suggestion that I should ask the priesthood holders that were there for a blessing. As the pain got worse and almost unbearable, I agreed to ask for a blessing. They went and got the priesthood holders, and they gave me a blessing. I felt the spirit so strong at that time. A feeling of peace came over me. Thanks to the power of the priesthood, the worthy priesthood holders, and the power and love of the Lord, I was able to have an amazing girls camp experience.